Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 28, 2016

So far sales are looking great for Twisted! I do hope to market the book more and reach more audiences, but I'm so excited this is already out in the air. There's a book festival taking place in Austin, at October, so I have 'till June to submit my book. Therefore, as of now, my greatest priority is building my book's legitimacy, as in reviews and feedback.

I am so happy for those who are posting their purchased Twisted books on Twitter and sharing it with me! If you do receive the printed book, or even an ebook, I'd like to see a photo of it because it sure as hell spreads the fun!! I've already posted my photo to share, with my book! Hahaha.

Anyhow, I hope everyone's having a great week. I've already began working on another story, but I'm going old school and am going to start off handwriting it just whenever I have time, so there's no rush to completion or anything. So we'll see where that goes. I haven't, however, started on Unstable yet. I'm going to have to take a break from the story altogether, to bring my thoughts back, as well as my creative juice, if you can say.

Happy reading/writing!

Much love,

Sunday, April 24, 2016

So much effort, time, tears, stress, and above all, love was put into this book I hold...I am truly blessed for all the love and support I received for embarking on this literary journey. For all the people who uplifted me when I had doubts, it's finally here, and it's the first of many yet to come.

This is only the beginning!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Another excerpt from Twisted!

Oh, by the way! Ya'll should check me out on goodreads! I finally got an account! Add me so we can become friends and discover new books to read and whatnot! :) 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Twisted now available for PRINT!

Hiya lovelies!

I'm sorry for the lack of posting lately, my life has gotten crazy busy again! I've been waiting for an email from createspace to tell me when Twisted was available, but after not hearing anything, I checked on the website and BAM! It is available! I guess they don't notify you on that, like Amazon Kindle did!


If you'd like to buy the printed version of the book, you can buy it here! If you'd like to buy an ebook, you can find it here! The prices are listed on the site, and I ask ya'll from the bottom of my heart, when or if you finish reading the book, PLEASE leave a review, where it provides space to leave reviews and whatnot at the bottom of the webpage with my book summary. Gathering reviews will build my reputation, as a published author, so it'll mean a lot to me if you take the time to do that!

Anyhow, I hope everyone is having a lovely day! :)
Much love,