Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 201

So guys, here's a new BIG announcement in regards of Twisted.

I have two chapters left to write, and then it's finished.

The entire manuscript will be COMPLETELY WRITTEN.


Of course, there's the whole editing process. I've got lots of holes in the plotline that I need to fix, scenes I need to revise - take out or add more, but at least I'll have a finished product to work with. This is a giant leap of progress, and I'm so so excited to have reached this point! It's taking a lot of patience for me, though, to not jump ahead and rush to finish. So I decided to stop where I'm at and spend a while thinking it over, so I finish strongly.

Also, I made some character profiles for the big characters. Yay photoshop! Hope ya'll are having a wonderful day, btw :)

Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015

Hiya, lovelies. So first off, I made a little snippet thing for Twisted!!

Yay photoshop!!

Thanks to everyone who's submitting their entries for the 2nd writing prompt; for those who haven't submitted theirs yet, don't worry, you still have a while before the deadline! So have fun with it!

Also, wanted to wish Jasmine a late happy birthday! She just turned 16 whoo!! 

This week has been absolutely hectic for me. I started volunteering at a museum in town and managed to score an internship at a local rock music venue (it's so cool omfg) so now I've got those WITH school work. 

*eyes twitch

But no, I'm so excited for this internship and volunteering. It's always nice to stay busy. Plus I've made serious progress on Twisted yesterday, I don't even know what happened tbh I just started writing and I guess I got in the zone?? I won't question it! 

Aaand Halloween is coming up! What's everyone doing for costumes? If you want, share your costume idea with me (because I have yet to choose and I may or may not copy your costume idea hehehe). Hope ya'll are having a wonderful day!! 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Writing Prompt #2

2. If you could have any two famous people for your parents, who would you have and why?


Nothing specific on who your chosen famous person is - just find your own definition of famous, and I'll go with whoever you choose! Nothing specific in that aspect.
You can write journal excerpts, a short story, poetry - this one is pretty broad, but it can't be over 6,000 words.
Any genre is accepted; slash is also not prohibited.
No specific formatting or fonts, just make it readable!

*whispers* Just to give an example, I'd choose Larry as my parents because that would be super adorable! But that's just as an example. Let your creativity flow!

You're welcome to send your submissions in from now on, but the deadline is Sunday, the 1st of November  before MIDNIGHT. ANY SUBMISSIONS AFTERWARDS WILL NOT BE JUDGED. But I will still enjoy reading xP

Happy writing, lovelies!

Friday, October 16, 2015

October 16, 2015

Hiya lovelies!

So I decided to make a quick post before I run off to class (yaaay history), just wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow I will announce writing prompt #2 with rules and guidelines, but remember the most important one: ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM. The worst thing you can EVER do to yourself is copy and paste someone else's hard work and claim it as your own. Please, for the love of humanity, don't do that to someone!!

Anyhow. Onto brighter manners.

I've had a bit of time in between classes this week to work more on Twisted, and I'm getting more and more excited as I get towards the end. Things are going well, I'm aware of things I have to fix in consideration to the plot, holes and vague details, but I'm going to do all of that in the editing process My biggest concern at the moment is finishing the actual manuscript. Once I do that, I can butcher it all I want. *evil laughter*

Other than that though, I've been doing good; talked to a company about getting an internship with them, a small venue on the bay that occasionally has local bands play -- it has a bar, a restaurant, and you know, a stage and whatnot. They're in need of someone who can make posters, with graphic design, and I figured that's something up my route, so I may as well check it out! Plus the woman was so nice and laid back, she even said she wasn't looking for a resume!! Which is awesome for me because my resume is pretty sad right now, since...yeah.

ANYWAY. I hope ya'll have a good day! Remember, life is an eat bread and be happy!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

October 10, 2015

Just realized that come the 30th, that would mark the 3rd month I've been working on Twisted. It's crazy how time flies, but in that span of time, I did complete a 50,000 word manuscript that I ended up trashing and starting new, and now I've written almost 40,000 words and just have about a quarter left to write!!

Can you FEEL my excitement?

This is an issue of mine, however. Knowing how I want it to end, with the sequel following, can prove to be a problem. Now that I know the destination is in sight, I want to rush through the story to reach it. That's what happened with the first manuscript, and a lot of fan fictions if I remember correctly. So because of this, I'm going to take a week off from writing on Twisted, just so I can ground myself again, think about fresh, cool ideas to implement towards the end of the story. The last thing I want to do is ignore everything else for the sake of saying it's done, so I'll give this a try, even though I'm so. so. close.

As for the winner of prompt #1, I am currently putting together her gift to send and am soo excited because I'm making it myself, so it might take a couple of days to ship it out. Can't wait to finish that either!

As I've said before, the 2nd writing prompt will be announced next Saturday, the 17th. Hopefully I'll be able to have 2 more prompts 'till I finish Twisted, but hey, with the sequel coming afterwards, I can do even more for that! ;D

Hope ya'll are enjoying your Saturday (or whatever day it is where you live lol). Lots and lots of love! :)

Friday, October 9, 2015


Hello lovelies!

So the winner for Prompt #1 is Jasmine! I asked for her permission to post her writing on here, so I'm so excited that she granted me that because I just really want ya'll to read what she wrote! Beautifully written and VERY insightful.

And a big congrats to everyone else who sent in their entry!! I will be coming out with a 2nd prompt I think the 17th? As for Jasmine, I will be sending out her prize as soon as I get it finished ;) Anyhow, here's her entry. Happy reading! Hope ya'll are having a great day!


I sit at my desk, contemplating what to write.

‘Write about something ugly,’ 
is the one sentence that constantly replays in my head. I can definitely write about something ugly. The world has many ugly traits I would happily bring attention to, but the troubling aspect of the prompt is that I need to find the silver lining of the ugly thing I choose to write on.

I mull over this, and after several minutes, I decide to word vomit the general topic of ugliness, pertaining to the world, and all it’s terrible glory. I’ll clean up the mess afterwards. I hope to find a golden page of writing amongst the chaos, which will soon become evident on the paper situated in front of me.

I best get started. My brows furrow together in concentration as soon as the pen hits in the thin paper.

There is no denying that we all live in an unjust world, a world that finds pleasure in stripping the colour from a child’s cheeks, and gladly disposes of it in a cold, desolate place. A world that enjoys berating the people who only see the beauty in it.

Warfare, hatred, and death constantly hover over people, the same way dark clouds often overwhelm a blue sky. And the devastating realization; is the fact that there is no end. The world is always going to be corrupt; the world is always going to be full of people who are consumed with vindictive and malicious intentions.

But despite all of that, hidden very deep underneath, is the little glow, the little glimmer of hope. Because where there is hate, there is love. Where there is despair, there is hope. There cannot be one without the other, unless we are speaking of Heaven and Hell, in which we aren’t. We are speaking of the bitter solace in between, the place called Earth – The world full of anguish and joy, the world full of hostility that is shouting for unity.

And that would come to be the silver lining of it all. The silver lining of warfare, of cruelty and of hate is the fact that one cannot simply exist without it’s opposite. So in times of heartache and in times of deep despair, remember that each of these horrible things the world has to offer cannot happen unless their opposites are present. And they are, they are burning bright and they are beaming with the word peace.

If they were not, then we would be in our own endless abyss of Hell.

And I cannot stress enough, that that is not the case. We still hold power over the worlds we create. We are alive in this moment, and although it seems we live godless times, there will always be that glimmer of hope, that glimmer of a silver lining, because in this world, one cannot simply thrive without the other.

The darkness cannot exist without the light. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October 6, 2015

Hiya lovelies!

So as you all know, entries for PROMPT 1 are no longer allowed, and I will decide on the winner this coming Saturday and ship out prizes as soon as possible! I want to thank the wide participation for my first attempt at something like this and also add that seriously, ya'll have some mad talent skills! Writing prompt #2 will be coming out on the 17th, so keep an eye out for that. As for the story itself -- hehe, back to serious matters -- I have gotten just a bit farther into the story, but as I've said before, I haven't been able to write a bunch, with school and everything. I've got my last midterm Thursday so hey, maybe I'll be able to sit down and get some serious work done this weekend?

At this point, I'm really trying to get the story written. For all I know, I might want to rewrite it AGAIN - and that'll be the 2nd time, but I'm hoping that won't be the case. All I know is that I'll have a field day editing the hell out of this piece before I go showing it to my sister again!

I hope ya'll are having a wonderful day and enjoying the fall :)

Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2, 2015

Hiya lovelies!

So the week is finally drawing to the end, and let me tell you, I am so ready for the weekend! This week has been insane with all kinds of exams and essays, and I've got midterms coming up, so let's add more to the stress! It's finally October, and fall is coming in, though in south Texas it's still hotter than ever (not to mention humid). Fall is my absolutely favorite time of the year - great weather, Halloween, delicious treats, I just love everything about it. Needless to say, I'm THRILLED for the temperature to start cooling down!

Just a remind that the entries for Prompt #1 are due tomorrow night, NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. I've already read multiple entries and might I just say that you guys are just, wow, AMAZING writers. It's going to be difficult to choose! But this makes me so so excited!

Other than that, I'm sorry to say that I haven't had a moment to work on Twisted, but hopefully I'll get a chance this weekend or after midterms. So much stuff to do, and so little time. I hope everyone's having a good year!

Happy writing!