Saturday, October 17, 2015

Writing Prompt #2

2. If you could have any two famous people for your parents, who would you have and why?


Nothing specific on who your chosen famous person is - just find your own definition of famous, and I'll go with whoever you choose! Nothing specific in that aspect.
You can write journal excerpts, a short story, poetry - this one is pretty broad, but it can't be over 6,000 words.
Any genre is accepted; slash is also not prohibited.
No specific formatting or fonts, just make it readable!

*whispers* Just to give an example, I'd choose Larry as my parents because that would be super adorable! But that's just as an example. Let your creativity flow!

You're welcome to send your submissions in from now on, but the deadline is Sunday, the 1st of November  before MIDNIGHT. ANY SUBMISSIONS AFTERWARDS WILL NOT BE JUDGED. But I will still enjoy reading xP

Happy writing, lovelies!

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