Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Readers of Twisted PLEASE READ

Heya, lovelies!

So, I'm going to put everything on the table right now.

I re-read Twisted as the fanfic's troubling me how much I changed the published version - not only the plot, but the characters as well. I felt pressured to enact a lot of changes to avoid cliches, but I've been thinking...the characters in the fic made the story. And now that they're gone, it just...

It doesn't feel like the same Twisted.

July 2015, I had completed a manuscript that was based on the fanfic - and I mean everything was based. I just rewrote the scenes to patch everything up, correcting details and whatnot. But it was Twisted. I stumbled upon that tonight and feel even more torn because come on, the fanfic was a hundred times darker than the new one. I'm starting to wonder that I was so focused on appealing to a newer audience rather than keeping what I loved: a good dark story. 

Anyhow, I'd like to see what other people think - and honestly, don't hold back. For those who've read the published version, or saw the differing summaries, did you like that one better than the fanfic? Or did you like the fanfic better? Here's the link to the poll:

I'm considering pursuing the previous manuscript I had because truth be told, as a writer, I felt that it was more exciting to me. More earnest. But it's so easy to get caught up worrying about what audiences like - what they prefer. And though my writing often terrified people, it was my writing nonetheless, and what I loved to do.

It would mean a lot if you put in your input because, hey, in the end, depending on the poll and how I weigh my options, a truer story of Twisted may be out on Amazon.

Love ya'll,

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