Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Source: Wikepedia 

The story of Cassiopeia, according to Greek mythology, is quite interesting and has a bit to do with Twisted, so check out the story as well as the constellation along with it.

The Queen Cassiopeia, wife of king Cepheus of Æthiopia, was beautiful but also arrogant and vain; these latter two characteristics led to her downfall. In some sources she was the daughter of Coronus and Zeuxo.
Her name in Greek is ΚασσιόπηKassiope; other variants of the name in Greek are ΚασσιόπειαKassiopeia andΚασσιέπειαKassiepeia.
The boast of Cassiopeia was that both she and her daughter Andromeda were more beautiful than all the Nereids, the nymph-daughters of the sea god Nereus. This brought the wrath of Poseidon, ruling god of the sea, upon the kingdom of Ethiopia.
Accounts differ as to whether Poseidon decided to flood the whole country or direct the sea monster Cetus to destroy it. In either case, trying to save their kingdom, Cepheus and Cassiopeia consulted a wise oracle, who told them that the only way to appease the sea gods was to sacrifice their daughter.
Accordingly, Andromeda was chained to a rock at the sea's edge and left there to helplessly await her fate at the hands of the sea monster Cetus. But the hero Perseus arrived in time, killed Cetus, saved Andromeda and ultimately became her husband.
Since Poseidon thought that Cassiopeia should not escape punishment, he placed her in the heavens tied to a chair in such a position that, as she circles the celestial pole in her throne, she is upside-down half the time. The constellation resembles the chair that originally represented an instrument of torture. Cassiopeia is not always represented tied to the chair in torment, in some later drawings she is holding a mirror, symbol of her vanity, while in others she holds a palm leaf, a symbolism that is not clear.[1]
As it is near the pole star, the constellation Cassiopeia can be seen the whole year from the northern hemisphere, although sometimes upside down.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

September 26, 2015

Hiya lovelies!

Hope everyone's having a great day. Late post, I know. I tend to get active at night - maybe I'm a vampire? Anyhow, thanks to all the people who have already sent in their submissions for writing prompt #1! I'm so excited to read everyone's writing, it's certainly going to be hard to choose a winner.

Just wanted to also make a point to say that as a fellow writer, there will be no bias or anything towards submissions from authors I know. I understand what it's like to be participating in these things, and I've personally experienced judges who do things like that, so it's one of my pet peeves. Therefore, rest assured, there WILL be no bias.

Anyhow, for those who still want to participate, there's still plenty of time to send them in! Just wanted to keep everyone updated with what's happening and whatnot.

Happy writing! :)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Writing Prompt #1

  1. Write about something ugly — war, fear, hate, or cruelty–but find the beauty (silver lining) in it.


A short story or excerpt no more than 500 words and no less than 50.
Judging will be based on clarity and creativity.
No limits to what you can write - I'm open to anything.
No particular fonts or formatting; just make it to where I can read it.
To send in your submission, email me at sarahreeves024@gmail.com

*Winner will have their work presented on this blog for showcasing and will also be sent a gift through mail, pertaining to my story, Twisted.

Happy writing, ya'll! Can't wait to see what comes in! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Writing Prompts Info

Hey, lovelies!

So I've decided to go ahead and do the writing prompts idea! On Sunday, roughly around 9:00AM, I will be releasing the writing prompt and specifics. I've decided to try this every two weeks; releasing the prompt on Sunday, then ending submissions on the 2nd Saturday following. Judging will take a week, and I will then announce the winner and send out the prize! Afterwards, on the next Sunday, the next prompt will be announced, and the whole process will start over. I hope to do this roughly 5 times, maybe more, it just depends on how many people participate. This might flop - I really don't know. Anyhow, I will go more into the rules/guidelines and how the judging criteria will go, once I post the prompt. Can't wait to read what ya'll come up with!!

September 16, 2015

And progress continues for Twisted! Before classes today, I had the chance of writing in the library. I'm not sure of the word count as of now, since I'm not compiling it all into one manuscript until I completely finish, but I'm pretty proud of my progress so far! I had taken a couple weeks off, for a break, because I had ran into more serious plot holes. But now with the time away, I have a fresher mind with new ideas, so the show's back on the roll!
I'm going to try and work on it more frequently, so I'll definitely keep you all posted on the progress! Also, another thing.
As you all probably know, Twisted was originally a 1D fanfiction. Through the journey of completing it, I experienced many warm encouragements from fellow writers and readers. As a massive thanks for their never-ending encouragement, I wanted to do something special. Through the process of completing Twisted, I thought of having a fun series of writing contests, very small, might I add. Where you all submit works relating to prompts I give and at the end, I choose a couple that stand out (which'll no doubt be extremely difficult in the end) and send out little gifts that pertain to Twisted - the newer, original piece that I'm currently writing. It could be anything, things seen in the book that symbolize something, quotes, fear not, though, I won't do anything that'll spoil any part of the story! I just figured it'll be cool to do something like this, until I finish writing it! So if you're interested in participating, keep watch on this blog because every week or so, I'll post a new prompt to follow by! If you have any questions, or want to join, email me at sarahreeves024@gmail.com! 

Can't wait to start this!! :D 

Friday, September 4, 2015

September 4, 2015

So progress is very well for Twisted; I'm still feeling like I outta change the title, only because I want it to be particularly meant for the story, I just haven't thought of anything at the moment. I'll probably figure that out at the end - if a random title doesn't hit me between then. Anyway, here are some updated reference pictures to the story! :)