Monday, March 28, 2016


Hey lovelies!

So there are FOUR MORE DAYS until the official publication date for Twisted! I've wrapped up with all the formatting for the ebooks, though I'm selling exclusively to Amazon for 90 days before putting it up on Nook, but as of now you can Pre-Order it so it will automatically be sent to your device when it does come out!

The nerves are out of wire for me - I keep checking everything, over and over, to make sure the final product is 100% complete and correct. Hopefully it is by the time Friday comes! I'm so so nervous but ultimately excited - and seeing the cover on Amazon is giving me serious goosebumps! I can't believe the time is already here!

This has been one hell of a journey, talk about hands on learning. Some of the most difficult things arrived lately, which is why I haven't been able to post count-downs or anything. Formatting was a bitch (by the way, Indesign is so much easier than Microsoft Word when it comes to print design, just saying), skim-editing was cringe-worthy, and altogether the nerves I'm feeling, constantly, about whether this work is good enough or not is making me lose tons of sleep. But it's exhilarating, going out of my comfort zone, and I'm so ready to share this story with the world!

So, again, I want to offer a big massive thanks to all my readers who have encouraged me to take this leap and have stuck with me from the beginning - being December 27th, 2012 when I first uploaded Twisted as a fanfiction. Argh, and now I'm tearing up!

Here's where you can pre-order Twisted - for the Kindle, ebook. I'm still pulling everything together with the printers for the print version, so that may have to wait - hopefully I can finish everything by the publishing date, or close afterwards. I know I said I'd only publish the ebook format, but I decided to print a few, for those who prefer reading printed books or don't have applications for ebooks.

Anyhow, hope ya'll are having a lovely day!

Much, much love,
Sarah Reeves

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